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UK to Saudi Arabia

شحن سيارتك الفاخرة من السعودية

شحن سيارتك الفاخرة من السعودية

UK to Saudi Arabia

Door to door Shipping from UK to Saudi Arabia

Having no knowledge about the freight field and have never been involved in any shipping before? You are now on the right place at right time as at Milky Way Logistics, our expert freight professionals are ready to help you for the entire process of your shipment.

Door to door as it is self-explanatory; is the process of receiving the shipment from a shipper’s point by a freight forwarder up until delivering it to the final destination as specified by the shipper. You as shipper do not need to have any knowledge of shipping or transportation rules as everything will be taken care on your behalf.

Milky Way Logistics is pleased to offer you quality freight service for your goods to be shipped to Saudi Arabia from UK.

Door to door Process

First things first, you need to know the quantity you need to ship. Upon finalising the quantity and the load, you might contact Milky Way Logistics to provide information about your shipment. For our experts, it doesn’t really matter if it is a moving house from UK to Saudi Arabia or it is commercial shipment of chemicals, spare parts, technology devices, constructions materials, electricals, etc.

Milky Way Logistics offers the whole process of door to door solution which is including the collection from shipper’s point and handling in transit through to delivery at destination.

Any value-added services could be arranged upon request.

Upon on receiving the goods from Shippers which is collection from the shipper’s specified address door; the packaging will be reviewed and examined and either accepted for the specified mode of transport requirements or suggestions of repackaging would be given. After package approval, the formalities and documentation for your shipment will be arranged for and entry for custom would be processed. For custom’s entry the value of the shipment would be required. There are also different clearance rules for different destinations that are taken care when dealing with your shipment.

Based on the size of your shipment and nature of the goods and way of its packaging, the transport mode would be chosen, and the flight or ship space would be booked for depending on the airfreight or sea freight service. Upon loading the goods on to the specified ship or flight, shipping document which is including the air way bill or the bill of lading will be issued for the shipment which is the document for clearing your goods at the destination.

The shipping documents are shipped along with the shipment and depending on the agreed service an agent at the destination port will take care of the clearance and delivery.

Door to door shipping from UK to Saudi Arabia which is considered as an International shipping could include complicated rules and regulations on export, import, custom and shipping and for this reason it would require an expert agent like Milky Way Logistics to take care of the shipment to deliver it at your destination.


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Latest News by DEFRA

Latest News by DEFRA

Latest News by DEFRA

ve from 11pm on 12 April, and you must follow the processes depending on the business you conduct. Full imports and exports guidance is available on GOV.UK but the key updates you need to be aware of are summarised below.

Imports from third (non-EU) countries

There are no changes to the guidance we have provided for non-EU imports. These imports will still need to be notified through IPAFFS, our UK import notification system.

Imports from EU countries

In order to minimise disruption, the UK has been granted continued access TRACES, the EU’s import notification system. This access is for some EU imports only. The commodities this affects include live animals, germinal products, certain animal products and animal by-products imported to the UK from the EU. We will have access to the same or equivalent information on TRACES for these consignments that we do now.

We will retain access to TRACES until later this year. This means that you should continue with the current processes for notifying authorities and raising the required certification on TRACES including:

  • UK importer completing the import notification form, IV66, and sending to APHA (other notification processes exist for imports overseen by DAERA (NI imports) and Fish Health Inspectorate)
  • EU exporter or appointed EU OV completing any required documentation on TRACES (e.g. ITAHC or DOCOM).

The consignment can travel to the UK without border inspection.



The UK’s listed status application has been agreed by EU Member States after it met the animal health and biosecurity assurances required for a third country to export live animals and animal products.

There are no changes to the guidance for exporters. To export animals and animal products to the EU your consignment will need to:

  • Apply for your EHC using the form finder
  • Have your Export Health Certificate (EHC) signed by an authorised signatory following an inspection of your consignment. Find an authorised signatory here
  • Send your consignment with the original EHC, and email a copy to your EU importer or import agent to enable them to pre-notify the EU Border Inspection Post (BIP)
  • Check your trade route goes to an EU BIP which is appropriate for your consignment.
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UK’s Preparedness for Brexit in the Event of a “No Deal” Scenario

UK’s preparedness for Brexit in the event of a “No Deal” scenario

UK’s Preparedness for Brexit in the Event of a “No Deal” Scenario


1. Entry Summary Declarations  (also known as Safety and Security)

  • The following article outlines plans to phase in Entry Summary Declarations if the UK leaves the EU without a deal:
  • Please also refer to the attached HMRC Customs Transformation Technical Readiness Meeting slide deck (held on 13 February 2019) which outlines the main technical changes to IT systems if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

2. Roll on-Roll off

  • The roll-on, roll-off (ro-ro) information pack developed by HMRC was circulated on Friday 22ndMarch 2019. This explains the steps different users of ro-ro locations will need to take in order to continue to move goods via these routes in a no deal scenario. It includes ro-ro stakeholder information, a fact sheet and visual process flows to explain and show the user journeys for imports and exports. This will be shared with industry via GOV.UKshortly. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at:[email protected]
  • Please also refer to the attached HMRC Customs Transformation Technical Readiness Meeting slide deck (held on 13 February 2019) which outlines the main technical changes to IT systems if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

3. Transitional Simplified Procedures (TSP)

  • Information on how to submit declarations if importing from the EU into the UK using transitional simplified procedures can be found at:
  •  or the latest information on additional arrangements for traders to use Transitional Simplified Procedures (TSP) which will make importing easier, please visit:

4.  Parcels (consignments worth £135 or less)

  • Information on import value added tax (VAT) on parcels for sellers outside the UK that sell goods to UK buyers, if the UK leaves the EU with no deal:
  • Further to our email sent 14 February 2019, the Parcels Communications Toolkit to raise awareness of these changes to import VAT rules for parcels has been made available onGOV.UK. An updated version of this toolkit will be shared with you shortly.
  • Please also refer to the attached HMRC Customs Transformation Technical Readiness Meeting slide deck (held on 13 February 2019) which outlines the main technical changes to IT systems if the UK leaves the EU with no deal.

5. Excise

  •  For the latest information on moving and declaring excise goods visit:
  • Please also refer to the attached HMRC Customs Transformation Technical Readiness Meeting slide deck (held on 13 February 2019) which outlines the main technical changes to IT systems if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

6. Import VAT Postponed Accounting

  • The latest guidance on import VAT procedures if the UK leaves the EU without a deal can be found at:
  •  Please also refer to the attached HMRC Customs Transformation Technical Readiness Meeting slide deck (held on 13 February 2019) which outlines the main technical changes to IT systems if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

7.  Merchandise in Baggage (MiB)

  • For guidance on bringing merchandise from or to the UK in baggage or small motor vehicle, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal:

8. Northern Ireland


Please note that GOV.UK will now replace the Partnership Pack as the single source of up to date information. You should refer to the current guidance and information on preparing your business for the UK leaving the EU and visit theEU Exit Portal for further information. Visitors can filter the content dependant on their business requirements.

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BREXIT UPDATES as of 28/03/2019

BREXIT UPDATES as of 28/03/2019

HM Government have issued the following guidance relative to a D1ND Brexit, which we are distributing for information


The date the UK leaves the EU in a No-Deal scenario has changed to 12 April. All previous guidance for EU and third country imports, including when to use TRACES and IPAFFS, remains applicable for the new No-Deal EU exit date. Please check GOV.UK at for the latest updates.

The Department thanks those businesses which have already registered for the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS) to import from third countries on EU exit Day 1. If affected traders haven’t registered already, we would suggest that you do so now to ensure you are able to notify of third country consignments coming into the UK from 11pm on 12 April. There is guidance on registration and raising notifications available

Please note our team will be conducting planned improvements to IPAFFS from 12pm Thursday 28 March to 8am Monday 1 April. You will experience a limited service while these further improvements are made, so we recommend not accessing the system during this time.

This email is part of a regular communication to prepare you for a Day 1 No-Deal scenario as a UK importer of animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed. We will continue to keep you informed but if you do have any non-technical questions you can email the team at [email protected]. 

Export Control Organisation

Further to the earlier bulletin released earlier this week, please note, as stated in the relevant Open General Licence (export of dual use items to EU member states), it will come into force at 11pm on 12 April 2019 if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.  The full text of the information can be viewed at

For general export control queries please contact our Helpline on 020 7215 4594 or [email protected]


HMRC have issued further information relative to the VAT changes that will apply to parcels valued at under £135.00, further information can be found at

If the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 12 April 2019, the UK import VAT rules will change for goods sold to UK buyers that are sent in parcels worth £135 or less.   When the value for all goods in the parcel is £135 or less, sellers outside the UK must pay the UK import VAT for any parcels sent to UK buyers after 11pm GMT on 12 April. Sellers outside the UK include those in the EU, outside the EU, and the Channel Islands. This will include any goods worth £15 or less as they will no longer be eligible for the existing tax relief.

HMRC’s new, online parcel registration service is open and overseas businesses can register now and get their parcels reference so they are ready in case of no deal.

More information can be found at  GOV.UK.

Department for Transport

Good news, DfT have confirmed that the European Council has agreed the contingency proposal which will allow UK hauliers transport goods between the UK and the EU (and Norway) using UK operator licences for the rest of 2019 (without the need for ECMT permits).

There will be some new limitations on cross-border EU trade (Member State to Member State) and cabotage (for the first few months of a “no deal” the limit is 2 trips within 7 days after an unloaded international journey, for the following 3 month only 1 trip will be allowed within 7 days).

This will be from the Brexit date, which is currently set for 11pm on the 12th April.  ECMT permits will be required for deliveries/collections to 3rd countries but will not be required for a truck transiting through a 3rd country. e.g.  transiting Switzerland for Italy.   In cases where extra cross-border operations over and above what the new EU rules allow, ECMT permits may be used. Operators do need to be aware that ECMT is itself restricted and complex, so caution will be required.

The above is in reference to hauliers access to European markets , it does not negate the requirement for Customs procedures for the goods both in the UK and EU.

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UK to Dubai

Freight from UK to Dubai

Freight From London To Dubai

Cargo Shipping from UK to Dubai

Milky Way Logistics based in the heart of city of London, provides first class forwarding and logistics services from UK to almost all destinations in the World including Dubai.

Cargo shipping from UK to Dubai is via airfreight or sea freight depending on the cargo nature and size. For smaller goods which has more value, Milky Way Logistics offers airfreight service or courier service for shipping cargo from UK to Dubai.  The main route for airfreight service from UK to Dubai is via London Heathrow airport (LHR) to Dubai International airport. This could be via many direct flights with 2 days transit time.

Whether you need door to door or port to port, our shipping service from UK to Dubai can include both at most competitive rates and guaranteed quality.

Milky Way Logistics makes imports to Dubai simple by tailor made shipping services from UK to Dubai.

For larger shipments are a few pallets to full container loads, Milky Way Logistics offer bespoke container service from any port in the UK to Dubai ports. There are weekly shipping services between UK and Dubai.

Shipping any cargo from personal cars, personal effects and households, moving entire home, shipping commercial goods and imports and exports from UK to Dubai have never been easier than with Milky Way Logistics.

For our sea freight shipping services from UK to Dubai, we can accept both LCL (Less than a container load) which is when your cargo is not filling a whole container and we offer you consolidation with other cargos which is making it more economical as you don’t have to pay for the entire container and you will pay only for the share of the container that your cargo is occupying.

Clearing the Cargo

Milky Way Logistics does take care of your custom clearance and deal with the custom on your behalf as clearing the cargo for shipping from UK to Dubai at the Custom office of any departure port, whether it is by air from Heathrow airport or by sea through any other sea ports.

The procedure is to receive all related shipping documents which is including the Commercial Invoice and packing list and full details of the Shipper in the UK including name and full address of the company and its identification as well as full description of goods including its unique HS code. With all these information Clearing the cargo at custom will be processed on behalf of the Shipper upon which the cargo will be ready to continue its journey to its destination.

For any enquiries about shipping cargo and freight from UK to Dubai, please contact Milky Way Logistics at [email protected] and one of our professional freight team will contact you and help you through the shipment from UK to Dubai.

نقل السيارات بسهولة من دبي إلى المملكة المتحدة مع شركة ميلكي واي لوجستيكس لندن

Guide to Car Shipping



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Riyadh to London

Riyadh to London

Door to door shipping from Riyadh to London

Among all expertise, Milky Way Logistics provides professional and bespoke solutions for all your door-to-door shipping enquiries from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to London, UK.

Door-to-door as it is self-explanatory, is the service that starts from the shipper’s door and ends by delivery at the consignee’s door.

In our door-to-door service, the shipper or consignee do not need to be an expert in logistics and transportation as an expert can take care of the whole process as their agent.

When moving goods, personal belonging or commercial goods globally, door to door shipping could be the most effective term in shipping as the freight forwarder takes care of the whole process from the shipper’s point up to the delivery point.

Process of door to door shipping

Upon the completion of any agreement for moving goods, and appointment of a freight forwarder, the goods will be collected from the shipper’s point by the freight forwarder and those would be moved to the forwarder’s depot.  Forwarder would be able to examine if the packing is appropriate for the chosen mode of transport. After controlling the packing requirements of International shipping, the forwarder will be able to book the transport option which could be booking space on a airplane or a space on a ship.

The departure will be schedule and based on that the formalities and documentation and custom entry will be arranged for.

In terms of formalities and custom rules, there are important rules set up by the government that should be considered in any imports to the UK.


Documentation depending on the mode of transport could vary up to some extent but there are some documents also that are similar for different shipments. As an instance, the contract of carriage for shipping via airfreight is the Airway Bill whereas for a sea freight shipping it is the Bill of Lading and for a road freight is a CMR which is the Consignment note that contains the terms and conditions of the shipping and transport liabilities.

Accepted Packings for door to door shipping from Riyadh to London

Milky Way Logistics recommends using proper packing for goods that are being shipped door to door from Riyadh to London considering the distance and mode of transport and handlings required. However, Standard packing of pallets and crates of certain height are accepted for airfreight and in addition, containerized goods are accepted for sea freight. For road haulage the preferred packing is pallets which are the best for handling, storage and shipping.





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UK to Netherlands

UK to Netherlands

Shipping Container UK to Netherlands

One of the most popular services in freight forwarding field is to move containers. Since containers are one of the most commonly used packaging for shipping and known as the standard within the industry. Therefore, there are more demand for packing goods in containers and moving them to destinations. As a result, moving containers is one of the most required service in freight industry.

Once the shipment has been agreed, the first requirement is to load the container and for loading goods into empty container one need to move the empty container from container yard to the shipper’s loading site and this is the first place moving container come to a need.

Upon completion of loading and stuffing the container the next there is the requirement of moving the full container back to the container yard.

Milky Way Logistics can provide you with both services of moving empty container from the container yard to your loading site and returning full container to the container yard at port.

For any shipping requirement for UK to Netherlands also you may wish to get quotation rate from Milky Way Logistics.

There are cases where the container wouldn’t travel by a ship but will go all the way from origin to destination on the truck. This is for the shipments between landlocked countries or those with a short distance like between UK and Netherlands which is much quicker to deliver the container on the truck over the lands.

Milky Way Logistics can offer bespoke freight service including but not limited to shipping containers from UK to Netherlands.

In this service you nominate the loading site and number of containers required and at Milky Way Logistics booking will be made and arrangements will be done to provide you with the empty container at your loading site.

This is the responsibility of the shipper or consignor to assure the goods are being loaded are allowed to be discharged at the destinations and the packings are meeting the requirements of destination and also those are appropriate for shipping.

One of the reasons that there are loads of demands for shipping container from UK to Netherlands and vice versa, is the most popular shipping ports of UK and the Netherlands however another most important reason is the proximity of the two countries and short transit time for the overland deliveries between the two countries of UK and Netherlands.

If you are looking for moving some goods from UK to Netherlands or the other way, whether those are for some commercial purpose or they are personal effects that fit in container, please contact Milky Way Logistics today and you will be offered our best bespoke service which is tailor made to best meet your requirements and always at most competitive rates.



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5 Unbeatable Freight Solutions for Shipping Cargo from London to Germany

Shipping Cargo From London to Germany

Shipping cargo from London to Germany is a vital logistical operation for many businesses, especially given the proximity of these two major economic hubs. At Milky Way Logistics Ltd, an independent freight forwarder based in the heart of London, we specialize in providing bespoke freight solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether your cargo is destined for Germany, Spain, Portugal, Latvia, or even further afield to Russia, India, Africa, America, or Australia, our team of experts is here to ensure a seamless and efficient transportation process.

London to GermanyThe Range of Freight Services Offered

Milky Way Logistics offers a comprehensive range of freight services that cater to all types of cargo. From small parcels to oversized shipments, we cover every logistical need with precision and care. We operate through multiple routes, utilizing airfreight, sea freight, and road haulage, depending on the size, urgency, and nature of your cargo.

What Can Be Shipped from London to Germany?

When it comes to shipping from London to Germany, the possibilities are vast. Our services can handle a wide variety of goods, including personal effects, artwork, household items, machinery, commercial and industrial goods, consumer products, and almost any other tradeable or import/export item. Whether you’re an individual looking to send personal belongings or a business needing to transport large quantities of commercial goods, Milky Way Logistics has the expertise and resources to handle your shipment with care.

Road Haulage: The Preferred Choice for London to Germany Freight

For many European destinations, including cargo from London to Germany, road haulage is a preferred mode of transport. We offer bespoke road haulage services ranging from small vans to large trucks, including curtain siders and vehicles capable of carrying several tons.

This mode of transport is not only cost-effective but also highly reliable and trackable. With Germany’s proximity to London, road haulage offers a direct and efficient route across the North Sea and English Channel, making it an ideal choice for many types of cargo.

Choosing the Right Mode of Transport

At Milky Way Logistics, we understand that different types of cargo require different modes of transport. That’s why we offer a variety of options, each tailored to the specific needs of your shipment.

  • Air Freight: Ideal for urgent or high-value shipments, air freight ensures fast delivery times. With numerous flights connecting London and Germany daily, we can offer competitive rates and reliable services for time-sensitive cargo.
  • Sea Freight: For larger, less time-sensitive shipments, sea freight provides a cost-effective alternative. We offer full container load (FCL) and less than container load (LCL) options, depending on your volume and budget.
  • Road Haulage: As mentioned, road haulage is an excellent choice for transporting goods across Europe, including shipments from London to Germany. It offers flexibility, cost savings, and the ability to track your cargo from pick-up to delivery.

Our logistics solutions are designed and engineered to meet the unique requirements of your supply chain. We take into account all aspects of the freight process, from pick-up through to customs formalities, security measures, terminal handling, documentation, and final delivery, ensuring that your cargo is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Why Choose Milky Way Logistics for Your London to Germany Freight?

Choosing Milky Way Logistics means opting for quality, reliability, and personalized service. We are dedicated to providing the best value and highest quality in every aspect of our freight services. Our team of experts works closely with you to understand your specific needs and craft a logistics plan that ensures timely and cost-effective delivery.

Comprehensive Services:

From the initial consultation to the final delivery, we handle every detail of your shipment. Our comprehensive services include everything from packaging advice to customs clearance, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.

Tailored Solutions:

No two shipments are the same, which is why we offer bespoke solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need to ship a single pallet or a full truckload, we have the expertise to deliver your cargo efficiently.

Proximity Advantage:

With Germany being just a short distance from London, our road haulage services provide a fast and efficient route for your cargo, minimizing transit times and costs.


Shipping cargo from London to Germany requires a trusted logistics partner who understands the intricacies of international transport. At Milky Way Logistics, we pride ourselves on offering unbeatable freight solutions that ensure your cargo reaches its destination safely and on time. Whether you’re shipping small parcels or large industrial goods, our team is here to provide you with the best possible service.


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A Comprehensive Guide to Shipping to India from UK: Your Reliable Partner for Seamless Logistics

India from the UK

Shipping goods to India from UK can be a complex process, but with the right partner, it becomes a streamlined operation. At Milky Way Logistics, based in the heart of London, we specialize in providing bespoke shipping solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses and individuals. Whether you need to ship containers, palletized cargo, or small consignments, our expert team ensures that your goods reach their destination in India from UK efficiently and safely.

Why Choose Milky Way Logistics for Shipping to India from UK?

Milky Way Logistics offers a wide range of services to facilitate shipping to India from UK. Our services include air freight, ocean freight, express delivery, pallet shipping, and containerized cargo. We understand that each shipment is unique, and we provide customized solutions that cater to your specific requirements.

1. Air Freight: Speed and Security

For smaller consignments or high-value goods, air freight is the most efficient option. There are numerous direct and indirect flights between London and major cities in India, making air freight a reliable and quick solution.

When shipping to India from the UK via air freight, packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of your cargo. At Milky Way Logistics, we adhere to stringent packaging requirements to protect your goods from potential damage during transit. Whether it’s fragile electronics, precious art, or essential documents, our air freight services guarantee that your shipment arrives on time and in perfect condition.

2. Ocean Freight: Cost-Effective for Bulk Shipments

Ocean freight is the most commonly used mode of transport for shipping containers to India from UK, especially for bulk shipments. With a high volume of trade between the two countries, ocean freight is in constant demand, and Milky Way Logistics is at the forefront of providing top-tier ocean freight services.

We offer weekly shipping services from major UK ports to key ports in India, partnering with leading shipping lines to ensure your goods are transported safely and efficiently. Our ocean freight services are ideal for large, containerized shipments, and our team handles everything from cargo loading and unloading to customs clearance and documentation.

The Benefits of Shipping with Milky Way Logistics

Choosing Milky Way Logistics for shipping to India from the UK comes with numerous benefits. Here’s why we are the preferred choice for many businesses and individuals:

Comprehensive Shipping Solutions

We provide a full range of forwarding services, including container and cargo handling, customs clearance, documentation, and delivery. Whether you are shipping a single pallet or multiple containers, our team manages every aspect of the shipping process, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Reliable and Timely Service

Our extensive network of partners and our expertise in international shipping ensure that your goods are delivered on time, every time. We understand the importance of meeting deadlines, especially in international trade, and we strive to provide the most reliable services for shipping to India from UK.

Cost-Effective Shipping

At Milky Way Logistics, we offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our services. Our goal is to provide cost-effective shipping solutions that meet your budget while ensuring the highest standards of service. Whether you choose air freight or ocean freight, we work to optimize costs and deliver value for money.

Expert Knowledge and Support

Shipping to India from UK involves navigating complex customs regulations and documentation. Our team of experts is well-versed in the requirements of both countries, ensuring smooth and hassle-free shipping. We provide guidance on the best shipping options, assist with paperwork, and offer real-time tracking of your shipments.

Shipping to India from UK

Shipping to India from UK


Shipping to India from the UK doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With Milky Way Logistics, you have a trusted partner who understands the intricacies of international shipping and is dedicated to providing you with the best possible service. From air freight for urgent shipments to ocean freight for bulk goods, we offer a range of solutions tailored to your needs.

Contact Milky Way Logistics today to learn more about how we can assist you with shipping to India from UK. Our team is ready to provide you with a customized solution that ensures your goods are delivered safely, on time, and within your budget.

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UK to USA Freight

UK Freight to USA

Pallet Shipping from UK to USA

Milky Way Logistics Ltd is a freight forwarding service provider in the UK based in City of London. Among all different forwarding services that Milky Way Logistics is providing; is the expert solution of providing pallet shipping from UK to USA.

Any cargo from commercial loose to boxed to personal effects to any out of norm shapes could be packed on pallets of standard size which are more recognisable and more preferred by the transporters and carrier.

Milky Way Logistics Ltd, also offers the palletising service at the most competitive rates.

For any shipment of pallet from UK to USA all destinations, please try out the Request A Rate form on our web site and provide all required information about the shipment and our expert team will assist you with your shipment.

Airfreight service for Pallet Shipping from UK to USA

At Milky Way Logistics Ltd, we are offering professional airfreight service for your palletised goods when the volume is not so big but the transit time is an element to consider.

For all your shipment with time barriers when you need those to be shipped to USA at a very short transit time, we can help you to arrange quality airfreight service. It might not be the cheapest mode of service however the quality of service and the transit time is guaranteed to be the best.

For our airfreight service, we first provide you the rates as per the information we receive from you, and upon agreement on the costs we arrange collection of your goods from your origin that could be your door or suppliers warehouse or any site of your request and then we transfer to the airline storage at the airport for further formalities, measurement and documentation.

As per the actual measurements you will be invoiced and at the same time the shipment will be booked on a flight for its journey to the destination in USA.

All original documents are issued as per your instructions and any financial or credit contract requirements.

Pallet shipping to USA has never been any easier with the expertise of Milky Way Logistics.

Pallet shipping from UK to USA via Sea

Ocean shipping or transatlantic shipping of goods from UK to USA has been one of the most important routes in International shipping and trade.

Milky Way Logistics, provides first class service on ocean shipping. For all larger quantity of commodities where there are various number of pallets, you can rely on our ocean services where we offer container shipping through the best shipping lines of the World.

At this practice, you will be provided with the empty container where you can stuff all your pallets inside container and we return the stuffed container to the port yard for further formalities, weighing and documentation and booking on a vessel.

There are many specific rules and regulations for each export shipment via sea that at Milky Way Logistics; thanks to the experts experience and qualifications, everything is taken care of and you do not have to worry as your goods are in safe hands up until the destination.

Just like the airfreight service, you will be provided with all original shipping documents that are the identity of your shipment and you will be able to release your shipment at the destination port.

Therefore for any shipments from UK to USA including palletised shipment and any small or large volumes please contact us today at [email protected] or just fill in the form of Request A Rate on our web site and you will be assisted by one of our expert team.




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