Less Data for Less Value Consignments

From January 1st 2021, there will be no VAT for goods of up to Euro 22 and to let the VAT be levied, any imports to EU should be declared via an Electronic form by which any custom liabilities for consignments of lower value (less than Euro 150), would be disappeared.
Milky Way Logistics Ltd, draws your attention to the recent change in the delegated regulations by the Commission as reported by the British International Freight Association; following an amendment to the Union Custom Code Delegated regulation EU 2015/2446, it would be possible to declare goods of less value (up to 150 Euro) with much less information (almost one third) while doing the entry for custom declaration.
From January 1st 2021, there will be no VAT for goods of up to Euro 22 and to let the VAT be levied, any imports to EU should be declared via an Electronic form by which any custom liabilities for consignments of lower value (less than Euro 150), would be disappeared.
Therefore, the UCC delegated regulation has been amended by the Commission and as a result, less data on the lower value goods would be required for import’s declarations.
Milky Way Logistics continues support to customers about imports custom clearances.
Click here for The amendment to delegated Regulations that entering into force July 25th 2019.